Project website

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Czech ELF king and our poster

Elf Week in Poland

We celebrated ELf Week in the last week before Easter. It was preceded by many days of preparation. Monday 21st March was celebrated in our school not only as the first day of Spring but also as Elf Day. The pupils dressed up as elves and took part in two competitions: for the best elf costume and the best poster promoting our ELF project. Everyone enjoyed the day very much.

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Saturday, 19 March 2016

Vote for your favourite Chapter 2

Let's choose the best entry of Chapter 2 of our BoomWriter story. We are going to vote as a team.

The winning title

The winning title of our common BoomWriter story is: Glitter text generator
We are so curious to discover this hidden secret!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Eramus's journey

This book was created by the Czech and Greek Elf teams.The Czech students drew the pictures and the Greek pupils wrote the text. It was a very interesting cooperation!

Saturday, 12 March 2016

The first issue of the magazine ElfWorld is released.

The first issue,edited by the Greek team, includes articles written by the greek Elfteam. There is also a page dedicated to the country of the month which for this issue was Greece. On The last page of ElfWorld students can find and play several games, created by all the participant countries.

Elfmagazine-Issue 01 Issue 01- February 2016